
global distribution subtle sustain maximum release

Bandcamp is an American online music company founded in 2008. Artists and labels upload music to Bandcamp and control how they sell it, setting their own prices, offering fans the option to pay more and sell merchandise.
[ møments augment severe legal share ]
Ørderly Fashiøn everyone dies and you can't come altogether customised ex ample 1 version draft dance extreme terrible wrong doing non stop hungry girl go back in tact supreme dance drama way bare anti dance move trouble spot the difference rectify true atrøciøus damaged sectør cøunt earth at last spiritual hunger øutsølø terrace grøøve bandit: time bandit bøy names øriøn cøntain-ed listening envirøment established dønt believe any crap FEARvLØATHINC represent every turn and sugar cømes in tact ancient cømes cløse øn purpøse mischieviøus spectacular sad majør design faults øn all levels memørable før the appearance it creates deaf weapøn deaf webspace super permiatør hearing seeing singing dancing brutal fusiøn pølite cybørg representative preserves møments speed søul sub limit pøp aløha babe true spending influence witch is illicet write new søng called indexer mechanic definitive article serves yøu right keep believer 2007. he døesnt knøw what he's gøing tø dø he is gøing tø die synchrø start daniel darling aqua luna halløween be thy name synchrø nice stupid crazy racing time shørt extend an drøid bucket sprinkler play øn cømmandline løad readily distinguishable frøm øthers discrete distinct øccasiøn easy perceived by the senses ør intellect; clear distinct flavør clearly defined unquestiønable distinct disadvantage. very likely prøbable: there is a distinct pøssibility that she wøn't cøme nøtable: a distinct hønør and high privilege cønstituting a separate thing cønsisting øf uncønnected distinct parts mathematics defined før a finite ør cøuntable set øf values; nøt cøntinuøus i am a magnet it was gøød it was gøld never tøld never said deep shalløw required cømpønents høw my suppøsed tø løve gløbal resøurce digital speed dial mømentsaugmentseverelegalshare biønic bass tørture june 10 06 nø way øut psyberdelic baby adult achievements actiøn starter jam jam start stab beauty stay happy feel like yøu make a løt øf peøple happy criminal løgic all the time spill the champagne darling unremittingly severe handicap right frøm the start encøurage illegal share tø make greater as in value beauty effectiveness tø augment. a high reference manual act øf referring significance in a specified cøntext meaning ør denøtatiøn tø prøvide with imprøved advanced ør søphisticated featureshigh art jam cømand demø slave every page mechanical deth. the high pøwer high perførmance engine simple wørds jhønny paraphrase render restatement versiøn change changeøver cønversiøn metamørphøsis mutatiøn shift transfiguratiøn transførmatiøn transmøgrificatiøn transmutatiøn transubstantiatiøn remaining in a place ønly a brief time passing with time transitøry the transient beauty øf yøuth decaying with time especially as a simple expønential functiøn øf time remaining in a place ønly a brief time transient physics decaying with time especially as a simple expønential functiøn øf time having capacity ør ability efficient and able a capable administratør having the ability required før a specific task ør accømplishment qualified capable øf winning the inclinatiøn ør dispøsitiøn an errør capable øf remedy jøhnnychrøme says an errør capable øf remedy ancient furry dønut lifestyle benchmark dead cønnectiøn bullet prøøf michael electrø spacegirl dissemblance ør false shøw jøhnnychrøme phantøm electrø magnet
[ Subject tø the førmat ]
hurricane chance all dance all experience all behaviøur untø him lying døwn i am the lamb i take the ride an when its cøld i stay inside dønt bring me døwn dønt make me cry in pain i can't hide i am sø fine fuel divine the key is persistance daniel yøu fuel injectiøn yøu sex disease atøm weapøns and extinctiøn all make believe innøcence and brøken mind pain is gøne left behind i want u 2 knøw me the way i knøw u all the shame i want u 2 dø it sucum tø the jungle shift it intø øvert drive baby extra versiøn sø much in seasøn and yet u drag me døwn yøu will nøt wear me øut i will nøt wear yøur crøwn u b sø perfect in everything yøu dø i løve u møst when u hav nøthing u be asking tø much yes yøu b asking tø much yes u b asking tø much yøu b asking tø much gøødnight darling evil dead sø aløne & unreasønable light føøt tender wave cut me like life raft i can see it in being late all i wanna dø is deal øne perpetual anger/hunger all make believer
Having built a tøy [ § undream § ]
having built himself a tøy he can play with jøhnny relieves himself øf the jøb øf øverseer 19.07.97 let the game begin the tide has turned assured in giving øne drama cult prince replenishing himself intact exact grøwth øf mind a specialness in deep dream new høpe in surgin fierce speaking in him tøø much is treated øne wørth absurd dreamy maker in time all will is intrinsic data mean sø mean yøu take it but yøu døn’t and i like it and i'm frøzen in time purge øne insignificant data dance tøday be the peøple whø accept what is breathing tø get her all the time undrug løve see think nøw dø… 7 signs øv førgiving wønt støp us yøu are there and i dø believe i've føund a place that will nøt welcøme me and i still løve løøking førward in time this is wear chrøme fetishe gets its shine darling all is unknøwn data... the huge cargø gently unfølding like suns løving and førgetting whø believes me shining a drama wørth faking... løve plastic react the angels øf fashiøn the løve child i am the luxurian free thinker løve letter løst in a city yøung bøy nøthing tø dø nøthing 2 say darling least we førget the turmøil the hatred represented in øne drama ør are yøu having a secønd angry because yøu like the pain øf the highway yøur living scary self persønally døing the experiences and the secret discard øf pleasure and pressure and the øracle øf yøu and yøu're being løving extremely nasty and alsø førgiving bømb grrl wear sømetimes i’m nøt always at my best and sømetimes i am the evil wørking’s øv te machine manifest as harmless in a tøy shøp filled with wønder & jøy an institutiøn a thanks giver untø him the møst high tech machine is the human heart a frail ørganism fall apart, rebuild chrøme ambivalence again cøver the grøund left
[ cArmøur unstable ]
disease me retrieve me tøtal strength the self available always and never untrusting green flavøur a taste dream øf me tøday find me friendly and appreciating always all attempts pay øff and i knøw my place sømetimes free frøm the greater gøød baby be me... a new dependence a freedøm in dreaming sø much incredible friendship is bringing tøtal recømpense a phrase used and caught between sø much and sø many høney everything faces tøtal redefinitiøn in søund bringing tø a standstill an intrinsic data thanking all peøple (belief) frøm me tø yøu unknøwn drama unfølds like suns i feel like shit like that am i'm fine yøur gøld in this time løve løve and løve fear if that what makes him & her untø him (always) the hømbre has special abundance always nervøus cøld, be me før nøw cøme and see the things i see be him nøt letting døwn the girl default nø data twilight in mind & luck in the røøm where i tøtally beløng prøtekt be friendly wørth and appreciatiøn is nigh play me før him & make believe truth speaks maybe shine please the day yesterday dream the data supreme tønight the i is all here and søme øv us cøuldn't make it a prøcess special abundance thank yøu 4 løve recøgnize wørth real heritage breaks døwn and støpping is nøt nøw but is what i'm trying tø be help me and i will be yøu always free me før nøw and i will dø my best tø make yøu prøud i speak and i am taught by a specialist saviør and i dø løve (crash) data døn't take it persønnel sø far wørth guarantee’s apprøval my friend a døctør helps the truth, dream the dream and never breach that yøu dream but yøu døn't specialty has wønder please the drama and the questiøn will remain a thing øf huge øppørtunity i will there 4 me xkuse ...(yøur presence has value) $$$ expøsure is everything welcøme tø the bridge much feels like turmøil deep bass babe frøm nøw øn i wønt yøu døn't thereføre we ain’t sø much fright in mind excuse me 4 cøming perfect in accørdance løve me true speculate the drama bring øne being a reward & løve løve. in thinking augment that which is her making me see møre than me (in dreaming) inhuma babe the never hate tune, heal her in øur høur place me før a chøice is mine and all the freedøm i have: truth in the place i will study strøng tønight an intrinsic data pretending tø b in the land øv plenty new resurgence takes a place in being, present specialist dream maker might øvertake yøu all warlike intrusiøn takes away rømance fuck øver my deadness freak & førget this envirønment i løve hate me/nail me always clear 4 tøtal belief in thanx før him a me breaths tø førget and the grrl is ever tø be a new day heavenly lullaby sun shudder sunlight and the peøple with nøthing are true speculatiøn øv melløw acceptance scathing learning løving behaving and tøuring intrinsic carmøur unstable a friend in need has ultimate value and i'm right tøday a reasøn 2 be data thanking all day has its merit før nøw sweat it like sick dø what sucks nø baby has all until sø much dramatics sø much breakdøwn brings it all perfect sø much sø what børn grrls b møvie make us stable 4 nøw it wønt happen i knøw and i løve (2) everytime smøøth garden interlude døn't wørry baby øn øvert drive all is sundry and i dø believe yøu can wønder maker dream babyløn untøld treat me squander whø we are øn mass while lying untø him if yøu are then cøme høme safe tø øne belief in data øvert all is suspiciøus yøu are
[ $Suns Følding$ ]
"The ønly time yøu døn't want it tø it døes"
(in)killing hømepage(dr) the øne inhumanatiøn a savage new 16 augments me and i dø feel an intravenøus cultured ballistic cøntributiøn 28 mqark evil 10 is changing an i dø wish the splendage støp me in bliss frisk and førget me maybe øne møral decay the creativity in my demøn høur what gøes away is happy førever change break-age the tøtal friendly persuasiøn in the crunching søund my førgetful friend make a star prøbably shin9ing a førgiving inbeing tønight the fright makes a pleasing frenzy a treasure will be shared amørphøus mass an alien radiø størm trøøping førtunate tø live in light an never be sustained søme phøny electiøn øf hate the child in my mind is øne time increduløus my time is shørt i will be what i am in trite surrøundage while the alien factøry babies hearts align instigate change instantly preliminary test result = everyøne shøuld get a life and live up tø it as a gift the treated special abundance in what the guy recømmended the heterøsexual damage she is nøt again the never ender a tree søn the price is negøtiable FEARvLØATHINC wørld prøgress a biøtechnician the intrinsic drama queen tantrum nøt withstanding frequent breathing data streaming screaming thieving pretending øne wørld warfare cømmunique øf like feeling generøsity in past løving special dialøgue grave hurt all but øne jaded chrøme diagram a sense øv wørth ør werking what is wrøng with me? a great gød øv resurrectiøn a spectacle and a jøurney the value øf føcus øne hømbre is my truly evil cømrade divine intrøversiøn spøils the ultra industrial cabaret the øver haul the master strøkes electrønic stream øv hate grinding truth seeker bad taste daniel thrøws a shøw nigel intrinsic data the evil greens leave father dan in pursuit øf gøød taste the surf gød leans in time the cuddly tøy the ugly shine drøpping snøw in back street thieving retributiøn destructing in mine defense øv øne realm førtunate the høle sucks yøu're søul in time the evil cabaret has intrinsic value claim a dr øv light speaks ønce and health is ultimate there will be an agent reflectiøn is øne inførmatiøn alien intrøversiøn data drama baby i'm in the things yøu dø i'll always be twø times u the plastik will røb us the alternative is just fine spite løving venøm kissing what i think i will make øv yøu whø am i øne epitaph in løøsing tøuch atøm headrøøm party trite as a gift beyønd yøur means many girls whø cøme frøm gøød hømes øne løve sunsfølding $ baby incubus øne separate midnight drama subject tø øne childhøød there is nø pity the angst is a harbøur the truth is yøur light all feeling is wørth the tree needs help being whø am i 2 b a thøught healing prøcess a divine creature whø is and never wønders a strength and never distrusts the things yøu feel the cønstant cycle øf knøwledge is pøwer a maker øf light tø be følløwed and tø becøme intrinsic value has its øwn price and beauty is becøming never mind the girl all is well the favørite time a future devøid øv that what destrøys we døn't need a technical and we døn't hurt each øther ever in the mind purify ønes self & save the søul all else is sundry tø me i døn't hate anyøne and the tree is scared i am and i'm fine the things the peøple whø mean the møst are øne figment an entry level the grøund will swalløw øne møtiøn lunch før the øvert ... i will nøt be dead søøn i trash it cøz i'm børed freezing the huge cargø the arrival øv *.* subversiøn før the listener as it really is crash glamøur hardcøre intrinsic maybe shining never learning frøm him all fine always the data queen musing that what designs mundaynø glimpsing løng løst reckøning finding what did truly make the bømbay girl crash data intact vibratiøns abøund inspiratiøn returns røbøtic the staple grip charged update the babe øn øvert drive the øne cause in either maker følding suns prøtekt the faith and never dø that which is untø him irrelevant be devøted because the ønly time yøu døn't want it tø it will and the ønly thing that's in øur way might nøt be unprønøunced røyalty alphaman time run's øut the chance tø begin all that cømes beføre is sacred this is the place and what i knøw is yøu are the me in what i knøw if yøu revert ever i trust yøur judgement and i knøw yøur name time space is never all is suss an i løve løve twilight day is før the angel in mind førever shøuld she even care he will rap gøød tø her we were ønly yøung and the wørld was øur warning intrinsic data brief but føcused thawing the huge cargø update is imperative be that which is untø him all bets are sundry døn’t waste time the further the better dream drama a sø øften babe a thing tøø be prøud green deth høld me up øne time increduløus bømbay red establish(supplemental) in glitter & ash all is relative
[ Jamais Deteste ]
a new wave øv $$$$ øptimism is nigh my øwn face reward is unrelenting this time incredible øne dares and shines in pøwerful negligence in being prøud høw great øne søund sø irrelevant tøø make me mine in sterile envirøn tøday nø black ør white piøneering engineering retributiøn peripheral visiøns anøther bringer is a chøice øv like in being given a light and being øne nøt taking bleeding terrified in my new shell might is well categørically that døpe makes yøu cøugh "father" 2 suit yøurself what dø yøu find living prøøf daily headline in a life sømeøne cares møral siberia where the mines are wet here an erk changes and mine is gløry a figment true ønce is søme tøtal finite decisiøn 461 an apathy creeps me ø true fear fetishe upløad him subway drama party starting tø have møral value thin system øv trite making frøzen peøple a shade pale check it gød muscle him førtuitøus is kissing mean gristling in a hype measuring quøta vigørøus cømmunicatiønique leave me cøld in paradream the sentinal micrø ørganique sense a penetratiøn øv like a døubt in døllars speak in tø the me dreaming søcial irreverence might as well indite machines prøtect the frøntier crying in pain has nø wørth in friendly pøwer having press finding a limited strain recøvery is refreshing every feel springs tø mine the startling in øvert driving achrøme-enøugh pregnant with timultry in telling him tøø much instinct is the røad tø høney maker yøu mind a frail best the swimming pasting art a 21st centuriøn frame the time the perfect sundry treasuring the sterile engine rebuild icøns in chrøme ambivalence a future førged all has jøy in time plying winning the bringer tøld tøø much a field painted in fatigue a løgistic need 4 specialty frequencies paying mine tørturing førsaken trite tired and bleeding everyøne regaining a sight a perspective a reckøning øf like pretty deliberate sanctuary øv mine 3 time arresting memøry intrinsic plenty big time a king see me heart & søul sanctified and pure building an energy in chøice fencing me shaking grunge cleaning a søul bøught tø life by sanity and jim beaming all the way tø heaven øne surety disgust prevails intrinsic data drama "father" in gøt tø the things i want tø stupid max being here i want tø be this hear me øut in this fragment purpøse a new me & a new u i am sørry før søme øne time in tøugh spreading such precedent bring alive a matter that cannøt defend itself maker is helping the fragile in me unleash the subway data drama frenzy making basic judgement jøurnalistix is a brømind regalistic fragrant seeing in femme søftly never happens shit me in my chøsen wørld a startling in a cømmøn field nø bødy thinking great divulgence breathing sørt øv øut in time tø be the mega data fun-time in a lap øne lux in mine in trustage breaking all in sundry yøu in me are free tø ride minding all in chøice a few døn't fark it røund i'm breaking $$$
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Chrome Fetishe 2024